A new integrated state transfer matrix method for coupled vibration of fluid-filled circular cylindrical containers with partially passive constrained layer damping treatment and analysis on damping effects under ground motion 边界条件对输液圆柱壳的动态特性与稳定性的影响放液体的圆柱形的容器。求解地面运动激励下的部分覆盖约束层阻尼贮液圆柱壳耦振的整合状态传递矩阵法
Dynamic Analysis of Constrained Multibody Systems with Coupled Rigid and Flexible Motion 刚柔耦合约束多体系统的动力分析
Adaptive Control of Manipulator during Constrained Motion 受限机器人运动的自适应控制
Moreover, impedance model parameters are adjusted fuzzily to reduce the force errors in the constrained motion and improve the global force control performance. 通过对阻抗模型参数进行模糊调节减少受限运动中的力误差,提高了全局的力控制效果。
The stations constrained on international terrestrial reference frame ( ITRF) and plate motion model with modern space geodetic techniques are chosen with some randoms and uncertainties, which directly affects the precision and reliability of ITRF and plate motion model. 国际地球参考架(ITRF)和板块运动模型的台站选取标准都具有随意性,直接影响地球参考架和板块运动模型的精度和可信度。
A New Constrained Recursive Method for Restoring Images Degraded by Uniform Motion 利用代数约束法复原匀速直线运动降质图像
The error of force controlling is within 3% in constrained motion. 在实验条件下,稳定状态下的力控制误差可以控制在3%之内。
Constrained Motion and Planning in Coordination of Multifinger Robot Hands 机器人多指手协调操作中的约束运动及规划
CONSTRAINED CONSTANT FORCE CONTROL OF END MILLING PROCESS Relativistic motion of a particle acted by a constant force 有约束数控铣削恒力控制恒力作用下质点的相对论运动
Based on the kinematic of One-arm robotic mechanisms and the theory of multibody system, the constrained equations of coordinate and direction and the level constrained equations of velocity and acceleration of Two-arm robotic mechanisms in the process of Coordinate motion are established. 本文在单臂机器人机构运动学及多体理论的基础上,建立双臂机器人机构在协调运动过程中的位置、姿态、速度水平和加速度水平约束方程。
Constrained Correlation Dynamics of SU ( N) Gauge Theories in Canonical form(ⅰ) Equations of Motion for Correlation Green's Functions 正则形式的SU(N)规范理论的约束关联动力学(I)关联Green函数的运动方程
From the view of wire bonding, the whole procedure consists of two states: the free motion and the constrained motion. 从引线键合运动的角度来说,完整过程包括两种不同的运动状态:自由运动和约束运动。
Assuming the object motion is constrained, a group of generalized motion and force vectors are proposed for coordinated task describing. 考虑对象运动受限情况,提出一组描述协调任务的广义运动和力向量;
Based on the geometrical properties of the constrained system in configuration space, the motion and the constraining forces of robot system are studied. 基于在位形空间中受约束系统的几何性质,对机器人系统的运动及所受的约束力进行研究。
The solving principle of the constrained motion about material points 质点的约束运动的求解原则
The main contributions are as follows: Based on the linear dependency of constraint screws under different geometrical conditions, a straightforward classification of constraint screw system is proposed and the corresponding constrained motion is obtained by reciprocal relations between twists and wrenches. 根据约束螺旋在空间不同几何条件下的线性相关性对约束螺旋系进行分类,并通过螺旋理论的互逆定理获取每种约束螺旋系所约束的运动。
The author built the dynamics model of its constrained motion with frictional contact, and its moving stability is analyzed by singular perturbation theory. 提出了管道内受限微机器人运动的动力学模型,并根据这一模型利用奇异摄动理论对微管道机器人管内运动稳定性进行了研究。
Being different from such tasks as welding and painting, RAM is a kind of constrained motion manipulation, which should be planned and controlled under the consideration of contact constraints and various uncertainties. 与机器人焊接、喷涂等作业不同,机器人的装配操作是一种约束运动类操作,因此在规划和控制时必须考虑接触约束和各种不确定性因素的影响。
From the transformation properties of the constrained system under the transformation of coordinates, we have deduced the equation of motion of the center of energy of the reflected and refracted electromagnetic waves, proved that the longitudinal and transverse shift is in existence, and analyzed the mechanism. 从约束系统的变换性质推导出反射和折射电磁波的能量中心移动方程,证明了纵向移动和横向移动是存在的,分析了其产生机理;
The calculation of transformation matrix about constrained motion of curves and surfaces 曲线曲面约束运动变换矩阵的计算
With these operators the dynamic equation of a constrained robot manipulator is decoupled into two subsystems, one of which describes the motion and the other describes the constraint force. 一种受限机械手的自适应力/位置控制方法利用它首先将机械臂的动态方程解耦为两组方程,它们分别描述了运动与约束反力。
Then based on the constrained trajectory, a real-time unscented Kalman filter solver was applied to generate a new motion similar to the original one. 利用Unscented卡尔曼滤波方法求解约束,可以实时地生成与原始运动相似的新运动。
The annual changing rates of the crustal strain-energy density in China's continent are calculated by using the finite element method, and the calculation is constrained with the tectonic stress field and the GPS results of crustal motion. 以现代构造应力场和地壳运动的观测结果为约束条件,利用有限元方法计算了中国大陆地壳应变能密度年变化率。
An ANSYS based finite element model is developed for the gear-couplers whose rigid-body motions are constrained by linear springs with equivalent stiffness. The stresses, displacements and elastic deformations of the gear-couplers are investigated in a whole motion cycle of the parallelogram mechanism. 利用ANSYS软件创建了内齿板的有限元模型,以具有等效刚度的弹簧约束内齿板的刚体运动,求解了一个机构运动周期内各相内齿板的应力、位移与弹性变形。
Based on the constrained motion model and the k step reachable region, the problems associated with target detecting and dynamic coverage are formulated and solved. 基于约束运动模型和k步可达区,给出了目标探测和动态覆盖的问题描述和求解。